[OCTOBER] Reasoning in an Age of Emotion

FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried would be amenable to competency tests before retail traders could engage in high-stakes trading. That’s according to his response to...

[SEPTEMBER] The Future is Regulated

August was a busy month for the crypto overlords within the South Korean government. There was a mid-month announcement by the Korean Financial Intelligence...

[AUGUST] Where People are the Product, Buyer Beware

The spectacular beating suffered by the cryptosphere recently has left many investors gun-shy, but at least one industry titan is still making big moves....

[JULY] Winning When the Enemy is Us

Bitcoin has lost about a third of its value since June 1, and just about every major cryptoasset has sustained equally vicious beatings during...

[JUNE] UST Stablecoin Collapses Under Moderate Instability

Last month the world discovered that the “stable” in “stablecoin” is more an aspirational endeavor than planetarily ordained fact. The TerraUSD algorithmic stablecoin, or...

[MAY] Nobody Covers the Front Desk at a DeFi Lobby

Decentralized Finance is one of the more prominently utopian ideals promulgated by diehard crypto revolutionaries. At its heart is the promise of frictionless exchange,...

[APRIL] Crypto Effect Becomes Clear in Bad Times

Everyday there’s a new story of a famous person peddling NFTs to heap fresh, low-cost layers to their stockpiles of wealth. Non-fungible tokens, those...

[MARCH] Turning Economic Screws in a Time of War

In the hierarchy of news, at the top are stories of violence. At the very top of those stories are stories about war. Nothing...

[FEB] Traditional Finance is Dead. Long Live Traditional Finance?

Cryptocurrency has come a long way, and we don’t mean just price. In the beginning was bitcoin, an idea of a fungible asset, immune...

[2022 JANUARY] Teenage Bitcoin Enters Its Wonder Years

Happy 2022, dear readers! Today, January 3, marks the 13th birthday of bitcoin’s genesis block. It’s an anniversary of that mysterious but world-changing day...