This month marks the third anniversary of our humble editor’s note at CoinHubKorea. We began these editorial missives in February 2020, just weeks before “coronavirus” entered the global vernacular, and have since attempted to bring you monthly bird’s eye perspectives on the state of the blockchain and cryptoasset industry.
Things have evolved since our launch. Our readership has steadily grown, as has our scope of coverage. In 2023, CoinHubKorea will expand its reach via social media channels and breaking news alerts. Still, our overall vision remains unchanged. We still strive to bring valuable news and opinions to our audience, free from typical encumbrances like registrations and paywalls. The desktop and mobile sites contain wall-to-wall content, undiluted by ads or other fillers. And we will continue to deliver groundbreaking stories about the cryptosphere from a Korean perspective.
Why present content with a focus on Korea? Because the trends that develop within the industry at large are so frequently foreshadowed and magnified in Korea. There are very few nations who have gone all in on crypto like Korea has. We believe the Korean marketplace is exceptionally lucrative, powerful, and worthy of special media attention, both to our domestic readers and our international friends.
This publication will therefore march forward with its ultimate mission of disseminating important stories, analyzing events, educating our audience, and amplifying voices of the real people that develop and invest in crypto. Case in point: the FTX bankruptcy and criminal proceedings has already become a charade of endless finger-pointing, devoid of true accountability. And yet most media channels will only make passing mention of the people who were scammed out of their savings and investments. We wish to be an advocate for those people who lost real things. “Industry” is a monolithic, abstract word. Our hope is to shift some of the spotlight to the local communities and actual human beings that comprise said industry.
With that, we want to thank our readership for growing and learning with us these past few years. There are big things in store for 2023, the year of the rabbit. There’s much to recoup, rebuild, rework, and renew. Let’s hop to it!