The right to name the country’s first trade of Bitcoin and Ethereum has been made into a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and put up for auction.
Korbit, a South Korean cryptocurrency exchange, produced two pieces of cryptoart with an NFT artist Nonamed and put them up on Foundation, an NFT auction platform.
Any Ethereum holder can participate in the auctions, regardless of which exchange they’re from, by accessing Foundation.
Auctions for each art piece will start at a price of two Ethereums (approx. US$4,500 at current prices). Whoever wins the auction will be entitled to name each artwork.
In South Korea, the first transactions of Bitcoin and Ethereum took place at 6:31 a.m. on Sept. 3, 2013, and 4:21 p.m. on March 25, 2016, respectively.
Whoever wins the auction, for instance, will be able to name the transaction ‘BTC 201309030631’.
“Events like these are only available from Korbit, since it is the country’s very first cryptocurrency exchange,” the company said.
Korbit said it will post the name designated by the winning bidder on its website.
Kevin Lee(2021.04.12) Naming Rights NFT for S. Korea’s First Bitcoin and Ethereum Trade Up for Auction
retrieved from http://koreabizwire.com/naming-rights-nft-for-s-koreas-first-bitcoin-and-ethereum-trade-up-for-auction/187077