Lee Honggyu, the CEO of Unchain wil expand its service from reward based DApp to financial services

Unchain, a blockchain company run by LINE, is expanding its business to the decentralized finance (DeFi). Unchain has been focusing on the independent cryptocurrency reward blockchain platform so far.
Lee Honggyu, the CEO of Unchain, has emphasized that Unchain will become a platform of enhanced decentralized blockchain. He also shared his experience of operating the independent mainnet for a year at the ‘BUIDL ASIA’ conference held in Novotel Ambassador Gangnam, Seoul on July. 22.
Unchain has launched the mainnet, LINK Chain in August last year. Subsequently, on Sep. 31, 2018, they issued the independent cryptocurrency LINK and listed in their partner’s cryptocurrency exchange platform BITBOX. Unchain since has been focusing on the blockchain-based service, which will be attached to the LINK Chain. They have launched their DApps based on LINK Chain. The DApps of LINK Chain was mostly about rewarding LINK for the participation of users.
Unchain was concentrating on private blockchains at the initial point of LINK Chain release because of the difficulties in providing service to a larger scale with the skill set they had. However, after a year of experience with the platform operation, LINE now believes that it can enhance the decentralizing feature of Unchain without violating its usability.
Lee said, “Until last year, we thought it is not easy to develop blockchain networks with decentralization and usability. Now we believe we have required a skill set to develop within the public blockchain.” He added, “Cryptocurrency may bear synergy with services that require value storage and value possession verification. Thus, we are starting our service with decentralized finance. We will develop a platform that can be connected to financial services.”
Compliance is another keyword he stressed. He said, “Unchain is very sensitive about the compliance issues, and this attitude will be applied to blockchain protocols to develop various services. We are designing blockchains so that the decentralized financial service providers can make the appropriate ecosystem of their own by providing service complaint to relevant regulations.”
Unchain has announced that they are planning to launch developer specified service Dev Console at the developers’ event ‘LINE Dev-day’ in upcoming November. Also, they are planning to establish and provide open API and multichain development circumstance.
Yurim Jeong (2019. 07. 22.) 라인 블록체인, 탈중앙화 금융플랫폼으로 진화한다
The B Chain, retrieved from http://www.thebchain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=5036