Samsung SDS’s Independent Blockchain Platform is Applied to Various Fields
Nexledger is widely utilized by 110 different companies & organizations

Samsung SDS, the only Korean corporation picked as the ‘Global Top 50 Blockchain Companies’ by the U.S. economic journal Forbes in last April, has announced that they will apply their independent blockchain platform to various fields to pioneer new territories such as insurance and operations management to expand the blockchain ecosystem.
Samsung SDS’s central departments are IT service and logistics Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Nexledger, a corporate blockchain platform Samsung SDS has developed, is providing various business solutions to the IT companies.
In the logistics BPO, Samsung SDS provides the distribution proxy service. Cello, an independently developed distribution integrated management system, is one of the services.
Lee, Jihwan, the leader of Samsung SDS Blockchain Project Team, stressed, “Customers are more concerned on the application of the technology to solve problems, instead of technology itself.”
‘Nexledger Universal,’ a blockchain platform released by Samsung SDS March, is also focusing on the needs of customers. As Nexledger Universal is an upgraded version of Nexledger, it helps customers utilize blockchain technology more comfortable. Customers can select the required functions to use and pay for the relevant cost.
Samsung SDS is currently in competition with the dominant global conglomerates such as Amazon Web Service and IBM.
Lee, Jihwan said, “We are continuing researches and developments on distributed consensus algorithm, security, and developing standardized blockchain application. We will focus on enhancing the competitiveness of the platform.”
He also said, “Nexledger launched in 2017 can be widely used in different fields of industry. That is why Samsung SDS is leading the corporate blockchain platform market.” Currently, companies and organizations using Nexledger are approximately up to 110.
Samsung SDS is planning to release a test service of ‘Auto Insurance Claim’ by the end of next month. They are trying to connect medical institutions, insurance companies, and digital healthcare corporations by establishing a blockchain healthcare network.
Up until now, claiming insurance compensation was rather inconvenient. According to Samsung SDS, although most of the people in Korea are members of medical insurances, 70% of them cannot practically claim the guarantee due to the complex claim progress.
Samsung SDS is suggesting blockchain technology to solve these problems. Patients may claim the insurance with a mobile SNS chatbot, which will make the patients claim with ease. However, insurance companies may prefer the current ‘less-claimed’ situation.
The partner insurance company of the auto insurance claim is still not announced in the Samsung SDS Media Day held in last June. Lee answered a question why the insurance company should participate in the service as, “If the insurance company provides simpler claiming procedures, the customer satisfaction will increase. Moreover, with the raised customer satisfaction, the rejoining and renewal of customers may be secured.”
He also expects, “if the service settles down, there may be other chances of the service territory to expand other than the medical insurances.”
He emphasized, “We have secured many associates, mainly of the finance and the distribution fields. Recently we are trying to expand the blockchain application to new areas such as design process cooperation of electronics, manufacturers, and industries, and electronic distribution in public sectors.
Also, he said, “We will expand the blockchain ecosystem by signing global partnerships.” He added, “There may be some resistance of the existing players. We will prepare different countermeasures and suggest advantages of blockchain technology to persuade the market.”
Kim, Kyuchul (2019. 07. 18.) 삼성SDS, 블록체인 플랫폼 新영역 개척…블록체인 생태계 적극 확대 추진
Stock Daily, retrieved from http://www.s-d.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=51740