Samsung Electronics, attracting DApp with a hardware advantage
Chose DApp for Scalability & Popularity Experts “DApp market competition will be intensified.”
Samsung is accelerating the DApp invitation. It is their second step, followed by the installation of their ‘Samsung Blockchain Wallet’ and ‘Keystore’ in the flagship smartphone, Galaxy S10. Samsung blockchain wallet is linked to Galaxy Store. When the wallet was launched earlier this year, there were only four DApps installed. Now the number is increased to eighteen.
Why Did Samsung Jump into DApp Market
The reason why Samsung is eager to invite DApp is apparent. They want to preoccupy the DApp market. Although the existing application market is the goose with a golden egg where its sales scale reaches up to 10 billion KRW, it was an oligopoly market divided into Google Play Store and Apple App Store. According to MOIBA, the application market share last year showed 61.1% for the Google Play, 21.7% for the Apple App Store, and 13.5% for the ONE Store. The last mover of the market competition, Galaxy store has invited popular games overseas in cooperation with ONE Store. However, the result was rather weak as the market share of Galaxy Store showed only less than 5% last year.
The initial service launch of Galaxy Store was September of 2009 whereas the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store have launched in July and September of 2008. Blackberry App World, Nokia Ovi Store, and Microsoft Windows Marketplace(for Mobile) also launched their services in 2009. Most of the mobile companies started the application market business, followed by Apple.
However, the market was rather brutal. Samsung Electronics has struggled to expand their market shares. The U.S. research company Gartner announced the Apple’s application market share was up to 99.4% in 2010. Android’s gradual chase in the application market share was followed afterward, although it was all concentrated on previous google Play Store.
Samsung Electronics could not perform well in the existing application market competition. However, it is a different story for the blockchain business. DApp, which utilizes blockchain technology, requires an electronic wallet to store and manage cryptocurrencies by nature. Samsung has preinstalled the Keystore in their Galaxy S10, which may elevate the security level and usability. Unlike the software centered competition of the existing application market, the hardware which makes it possible to store cryptocurrencies safely became important. It seems that the number one smartphone seller Samsung is holding an additional weapon in their hands.
DApp invitation for Expandability & Popularity
Samsung is accelerating the pedal to preoccupy the DApp market. Up until now, they are looking for DApps of scalability and popularity. Pundi X of the cryptocurrency wallet service ‘XWallet’ has recently secured payment platforms in more than 30 countries. As total of 11 cryptocurrencies such as BTC, BNB, XEM are available, it is very handy. It has added another cryptocurrency wallet ‘Mars’ to broaden their support.
On the entertainment side, Samsung is focusing on low entry barriers. ‘The Hunters’ of Mossland and fine dust alarm ‘Mise Talk Talk’ are easy to use even though the user is not aware of blockchain technology. ‘aFan’ of Common Computer is concentrating on interests by A.I. technology, whereas other SNS DApps are all concentrating on the reward system. The top DApp games such as CryptoKitties, My Crypto Heroes, Cryptodozer are not on the Galaxy Store, but on the DApp category of Samsung Blockchain Wallet.
A person in concern of Samsung Galaxy Store said about the choice standard for DApps, “We are cooperating with the partners who can provide useful experiences to our customers by utilizing the Samsung Keystore technology. The tokens of the DApps in the list of blockchain wallet will be added to the available token list of Samsung Blockchain Wallet.”
Upcoming Speed Game of DApp
It seems that the speed will be the most crucial factor with the DApp market competition. Klaytn of Kakao which announced their blockchain main network Cypress last June is preparing to enter DApp market based on their main net. Luniverse of Dunamu’s blockchain research lab Lambda 256, has also announced to launch DApp store by the second half of this year. As the market competitiveness is in diversity, the selecting procedures will probably be proceeded in ‘Negative Listings.’
The crypto-experts also forecasts the competition be intensive on another level. Han, Jungseob, a head of Chain Partners Research Center and the writer of ‘Bitcoin Imperialism’ expects as, “The traditional app store power players, Google and Apple are already at the entrance of the blockchain business. It is very naive to think they will let others take DApp market.” He also added to advise on target specification, “It can be a differentiation strategy from the two big names if the service is targeting on the recent rapid growing Southeast Asian market.”
Cho, jaeseok (2019.07.19.) 삼성 갤럭시스토어, 디앱으로 기사회생 노린다
Seoul Economic Daily, retrieved by https://www.sedaily.com/NewsVIew/1VLR6HNWUX#_enliple