Financial Supervisory Service Releases Handbook on Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) has taken proactive measures to prevent cryptocurrency investment scams. According to a recent press release, the FSS has revamped the Cryptocurrency Unfair Trading and Investment Fraud Reporting Center to publicly disclose cases and types of cryptocurrency investment scams, urging investors to be cautious. However, despite these efforts, similar cases of fraud continue to occur. Analysis of cases reported from January to April this year revealed recurring types such as leading scams, unreported exchanges, phishing, and similar fraudulent activities.

In response, the FSS has collaborated with the Digital Asset Exchange Association (DAXA) to launch a comprehensive promotional campaign. Newly created promotional content includes a series of short-form videos on representative types of investment scams, educational videos on investor precautions, and a handbook detailing investment scam cases. These contents utilize the animated character ‘Dokburi’ to make them easily understandable and engaging for investors, supplemented with friendly and simple explanations by FSS staff.

In particular, the educational videos on investor precautions are jointly produced by the FSS and the YouTube channel ‘this week’s money TV,’ featuring real-life episodes based on reported cases to explain the process of falling victim to scams and response strategies in detail.

Furthermore, the investment scam case handbook contains major cases, response strategies, precautions, and prevention methods, produced in pamphlet and e-book formats to consider accessibility for the elderly and vulnerable populations. This handbook is scheduled to be widely distributed through national welfare centers for the elderly, employment support centers, and local governments.

Additionally, the FSS plans to operate a comprehensive information board on cryptocurrency investment in collaboration with DAXA and conduct both online and offline promotions through exchange-owned promotional channels. The FSS will also disseminate promotional content through official social media channels and websites, as well as distribute pamphlets to nationwide relevant agencies and local governments for comprehensive promotion.

The FSS aims to enhance investor awareness through these promotional activities and maximize the effectiveness of fraud prevention. It also pledges to actively respond to investment scams and unfair trading through collaboration with the industry.